What is soul realignment?

This specific modality of healing is about truly living your soul’s identity.In a very real, practical way so that we can access who we are as divine beings and learn how to use the knowledge in our human experience! Soul realignment is an intuitive healing modality that requires a practitioner to access the Akashic Records to unlock our soul-level potential and clear negative karmic patterns that are held at soul-level.

How Do I know that it's for me?

Everyone has the ability to create their own reality. If you are on a personal development journey or you are seeing spirituality in your life. Or if you want to truly know yourself on a deeper level. It will be a roadmap to help you better understand your day to day choices. Soul realignment may be the first step you need to take to live your truth. 


Benefits of Soul Realignment

You will have a better understanding of who you are and how you are designed to operate taking control of your manifesting process! It’s about experiencing yourself, at the level of your everyday life, as the spiritual being that you are, and harnessing the power of your intuitive and manifesting abilities as you create the life you want, based on your divine gifts and who you are, at soul-level. You may or may not YET relate to the description of your soul’s personality, depending on how many blockages you are holding at soul-level.

Expressing your divine nature more in your everyday life results in more ease, as this strengthens your connection to divine source energy, hence giving you more energy and inspiration. You will experience the amazing feeling of ‘being in the flow’ and finding the “path of least resistance” in your life and career.


 What to expect during your session

For this reading to happen you provide your practitioner with your birthday, birth place, and full name(s). You will find out the characteristics of who you are at Soul level, what blocks your soul may be holding on to and how to apply this information to your life. This information will help you understand who you are based on your past choices you have made that are still playing out in your life today and how you can change so you are more aligned to your divine nature.

This is about inspiring you to take responsibility for what you think, feel, speak, and do so you can experience a different outcome by making different choices.You will receive a text to read everyday for 21 days so you can clear these energetic blocks and help apply these new choices and changes in your life. 

Contact me for guidance in your journey

Having someone guide you through this process will ensure that you will ground your new insights into action and not just think about it. My clearing will help you open the potential for change, you choose to act on it to experience the outcome. I will guide you through your journey. We are all a spark of the divine, healing is up to you. Contact Souls Whispers today to start living your truth today!