About Melinda

We Are ALL A Spark Of The Divine. Healing Is Up To Us. 

You’re on my website so i’d be safe to say you’re looking for answers. 

Answers to questions that you may not feel comfortable asking just anyone. Or maybe questions so strange you don’t know how to word it. I’ve been there and luckily I have a group of awesome ladies willing to take me under their wings and open my eyes (including my 3rd eye) To the world I was rushing towards. I had been so oblivious for my entire life. Once I had acknowledged and started my journey I realized I had known who I was my entire life. I just didn’t know I knew what I knew. 

Do you want coaching, answers and support? With me you will never have to hold back. We will move through the soul work,  Goal Setting, homework and shadow work together. 

I am a nurse of 30 years. I have held new life in my hands and held the hands of old souls passing. My Spiritual and Life Coaching was to be my next step to putting my empathic abilities to use. To help those experiencing the awakening of a lightworker, or the clarity needed to land that promotion, or to repair a broken relationship.

About Melinda

We Are ALL A Spark Of The Divine. Healing Is Up To Us.

You’re on my website so i’d be safe to say you’re looking for answers.

Answers to questions that you may not feel comfortable asking just anyone. Or maybe questions so strange you don’t know how to word it. I’ve been there and luckily I have a group of awesome ladies willing to take me under their wings and open my eyes (including my 3rd eye) To the world I was rushing towards. I had been so oblivious for my entire life. Once I had acknowledged and started my journey I realized I had known who I was my entire life. I just didn’t know I knew what I knew.

Do you want coaching, answers and support? With me you will never have to hold back. We will move through the soul work,  Goal Setting, homework and shadow work together. 

I am a nurse of 30 years. I have held new life in my hands and held the hands of old souls passing. My Spiritual and Life Coaching was to be my next step to putting my empathic abilities to use. To help those experiencing the awakening of a lightworker, or the clarity needed to land that promotion, or to repair a broken relationship.

Souls Whispers © 2020